Wednesday, February 23, 2011


TIWIMUTA is a not for profit, annual, limited edition "objectzine" and the name is an acronym for: This Is What It Made Us Think About.  As soon as I got to Rizzoli I congratulated Mr. Carlos Taylor for his work on TIWIMUTA, then he handed me a display copy and I zoned out into the pages. TIWIMUTA is visually, mentally, and texturally stimulating. As I traveled from page to page my eyes stayed engaged to the images, my mind was occupied with words, and my hand molested a female figure that popped off the page due to the different types of paper used. This is TIWIMUTA volume II and you can get much more info at

 The Founder Andrea Walker, no intro needed but do read The New York Time article about Mr. Walker. To Mr. Walker's right Nikki Igol also part of the TIWIMUTA creation.
Carlos Taylor the Creative Editor of TIWIMUTA, I have known Carlos Taylor since I was maybe 12 or 13 years old. All of my friends and I would spend days in a 2 bedroom apartment in flushing and we would only go out to play ball and eat then back into the Dungeon which is what we called it. We would all eventually crash from all the play station competitions and Carlos would come in to find us all passed out through out the apartment, sometimes I do not know how he kept himself from kicking us in the head and telling us to go home but he never did. I always asked myself I wonder what it is that Carlos does I knew it was something awesome because he did it in raw denim and high top Nike's. Congrats!! again Carlos your awesome! 

Marion (Snap Graphics/Plug Studios), Ritza (La Modelo aka MA!!), and Jessie the Body! MA! thank you for the invite.

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